“What a year 2019 was for me and my son Eugene. I donated my kidney to him live on television!

“Eugene had been unwell for some time, he initially took unwell in 2009 and was diagnosed with Lupus. Eugene was in his mid 20s at the time and starting his career in London.

“Eugene did not want to worry me or his mother, so he kept his diagnosis private and continued with his day to day life. He continued like this for years and his Lupus was treated using a trial of medications however all the while Eugene’s kidney function was declining without him realising.


Giving Life a Second Time...

“A routine test found high levels of creatinine in Eugene’s blood, he still looked well and was continuing to work however further investigations found that Eugene’s kidney function had dropped to just 15%. Eugene told us how unwell he was, it was such a shock and a huge panic for the family. Eugene had to begin dialysis and was put onto the transplant list.

“Dialysis was hard for Eugene, it impacted every part of his life and I knew I had to offer to help. As Eugene did not want to worry us, he again did not want me to risk surgery however we were told that as a black patient Eugene’s wait for a transplant could be quite long, we could not risk waiting and Eugene becoming too unwell for a transplant.

“Our surgery was scheduled for April 2019. When we were approached about donating live on television, I did not hesitate to agree. I knew it was important for us to raise awareness among our communities. Surgery went well and Eugene now has his quality of life back.”

“I recovered quickly and do not regret my decision for a second. To see the difference in Eugene was fantastic. Eugene has now been able to return to work and he became a father again just before Christmas bringing the perfect end to 2019.”